National Chocolate Week 2019
It’s that time of year where the nation gets together to honour the UK’s favourite sweet treat: Chocolate. So, to celebrate National Chocolate Week 2019, Raphael Design are going to share our favourite fun facts about chocolate! Fact 1 The name of the tree that grows...

‘My Mate Says…’ 5 Common Social Media Myths Debunked
We are very excited to be publishing our first guest blog. Many thanks to full time Social Media Super Hero, Cheryl Turner, who below shares some words of wisdom on the subject of Social Media. ‘Without exception, every time I embark on some social media training,...

The Secrets Behind Colour
Picking the right colour for your branding is crucial, it will appear in your logo, promotional material and product packaging. Understanding our thoughts about a colour can help predict and help drive what your customers may think about your branding and therefore...

Greetings From Leonardo De Signo!
Hi there! My name is Leonardo de Signo and I am the silent sales person of Raphael Design. In fact, my boss Clare tells me I am the best and most cost-effective marketing tool Raphael Design has ever had. Every day I sit on the pavement of Upper St John Street in...

Now You Just Need To Be Seen
Now you have a website, you just need to be seen…. To help boost your website’s search rankings and make you easier for new potential clients to find, talk to one of our team about the different SEO packages we offer. We have a range to suit both your budget and...
Get in Touch
Raphael Design Limited
Offices in Staffordshire & Oxfordshire
t. 01543 261220
e. info@raphaeldesign.co.uk
Registered Office: The Garth, Yarnton, Oxfordshire OX5 1NA