Get involved with the Support Lichfield website!
Raphael Design is delighted to announce the launch of the Support Lichfield website. Support Lichfield is a place for us to get together, find the best way to support our favourite businesses and initiatives in the locality and do our bit to strengthen our community!...

Business has just got unusual!
It is fair to say that the current COVID-19 crisis has created a whole range of challenges for us all over the past few weeks. But being in business is often about adapting with adversity and coping with the unexpected and it looks like we will all be doing lots of...

Breaking News – Sneeze Guards Now Available
Just added to our signage range – Sneeze Guards! Definitely a product for our current COVID-19 world, Sneeze Guards are being introduced in shops and other establishments that are still open for business. This includes convenience stores, newsagents, post offices,...

Hand Sanitiser Gel – Now Available To Order
We are happy to advise we are in a now in a position to fulfil orders for hand sanitiser gel. It contains 69% alcohol and includes Aloe Vera to be kind to hands. * The product is made to order so there are no stock issues. At present there is a production lead time of...

Keep Calm and Informed
In recent days we have had increased demand from our clients for information posters on Corona Virus related issues. As a result, we have created a couple of artwork templates that we can adapt for you to use in your place of work. The artwork can be personalised with...
Get in Touch
Raphael Design Limited
Offices in Staffordshire & Oxfordshire
t. 01543 261220
e. info@raphaeldesign.co.uk
Registered Office: The Garth, Yarnton, Oxfordshire OX5 1NA